
it's safe to assume i chose the pseudonym
the "ocean's daughter" 8 (lucky number) kathy
as my online ID due to my geographical proximity.
while I do live on the south east atlantic coast,
it was a song that inspired the alias and..
"I Can't It Out of My Head"
midnight on the water .. i
saw the "Ocean's Daughter"
walking on a wave's chicane .. staring
as she called my name
breakdown on the shoreline .. can't
move, it's an ebbtide
morning won't get here till night .. searching
for her silver light
bank-job .. in the city
robin hood, william tell, ivanhoe & sir lancelot, they
don't envy me
sitting till the sun goes down .. in
dreams the world keeps turning 'round and around
and i can't get it out of my head. no
i can't get it out of my head
now my whole world is gone dead, cos
i can't get it out of my head
oh no .. no no
lyric and music by Jeff Lynne
the ocean's daughter |
image:llcj |
regarding kathy
raised by the queen of southern hospitality
and the king of the more the merrier, how could i not be a fairly good hostess. i can cook like nobody's 'bizniss' with
an always open-door. i'm decisive, know who
and what i am want and need as well as the differences between the two. basically, i'm just a fun-loving, natural-born
smartass, daddy's girl and mamma's only child/trophy.
i have good people skills, but i'm even better with children & animals. like my dad, i have quite a
way with words and love to write. while i can be passively manipulative at times, but, i'm honest about it. i'm a one of a kind nouveau "suthun'
belle" who is friendly, easy-going/, spontaneous
and proud to say, a 100% true-blue genuine lady with self-respect, virtue and a conscience.

the basics
october 6
baywatch east
knot 4 sale
K2, mickey rourke
my dogs & horses, cooking & eating, dining in & out, children,
films, my work, baseball games, boxing, nascar, riding, the blvd,
comfort, accents,
writing, live concerts, debating, laughing, dancing, all
genres rock, my guitar, cop shows, swimming,
feeling good and feeling pretty
b/w photography, my workout, political incorrectness, friends,
etching my litlle dream-house
chillin', cards, board games, trivia, foosball, arcades water and amusement
parks. | |

online services
Mickey Rourke OnLine
educational status
Genuine Certified Political Scientist
political science/speech/creative writing-
(degree) on mom's wall
previous gigs
remedial reading teacher/cheerleader coach, health
manager and certified fitness instructor, director's
assistant, lifeguard,
writing/editing, singer/lyricist/referee
in 3 bands.
clip-art grahic of K by J |
my photograph impersonation of.. |
alice cooper, kiss, alien sex fiend & marlyn manson |
ferris wheels/ski-lifts
growing olde and being alone
(but i find them beyond beautiful)
among the last of a dying breed
"genuine suthun'
"lady"..'laydee' (noun) THE most misunderstood, overly and mis-used, under-rated, loosely
incorrectly used word in the entire english language in the eyes of a "true lady."
oh .. and me |
anti-social deb |
Helen Gurley-Brown
aka:"Ms. Cosmopolitan"
Paula Deen - Groover
who KNOWS way to a man's heart
Reese Witherspoon
literal "sweet home alabama" gal"
Halle Berry
beautiful, gifted, blessed, respected, oscar
Catherine Bach
the classic/original
(the REAL) 'daisy duke'
Kristin Davis
'charlotte' had "Sex in the City", she's a belle..
Oprah Winfrey
speaks for herself ..'nuff said
Julia Roberts
2 words..steel magnolias (prefer brother Eric's acting)
Sela Ward
age-less, non-blonde, lovely and genuine lady
The Lady Chablis
straight from the "Garden of Good Evil" itself
Theodosia Burr-Alston
our local 'haunting' urban legend
Miss Rosa Parks
"nobody puts 'baby in the corner'" or 'miss' rosa on the back of a
Elizabeth Taylor
plays a grand belle.. all far too much like me
'miss leslie'..giant
'velvet'..national velvet
'shrew'..the taming of the
'martha'..who's afraid of virginia woolf
"Ellie Mae Clampett"
loves her critters, but blonde w/ a 1 digit iq
"Designing Women”
middle-aged belles situated in Georgia
"The Golden Girls”
passed middle-aged belles in Florida
while my brainchild is and most likely remain |

feel free to check back from time to time, as additions/updates will be posted..'whenever' |
so..what cha' waitin' for? |

hit navigation bar up top and c'mon in |